StaffProfile of Mariow2

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Mariow2 is Admin at GetSocial.


Profile views: 75 Views
Member since: 02/25/2017
Last online: 78 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 285 minute(s)
Percent: [ Loading user rank... ]


Username: Mariow2
Name: - Please login -
Gender: male
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -
Activity points: 200334


What's In Your Mind?: Obviously, stuff is in my mind. Otherwise I would be mentally dead. Btw, I have a switch and mario odyssey
What's your idea?: Gettin' all me friends together on one social network with me boi CraftedURL
About Me: I like Polandball, Pokemon, Nintendo, making friends etc. (too much to say)
Movies like most: I don't really have a favorite movie.
Music Like most: Classic. Y'know, people like Mozart and Beethoven. I also like video game music just as much!